Podcast WES 2008 Special Edition

Here it is folks, our second of three WES 2008 Special Edition Podcasts.

While Dieter, Jibi and Martin weren't able to hang with us today, we still managed to have a sizeable crew out to huddle around the microphones for this 26 minute WEScast.  Bill and Dante (behind the laptops) from the Mobile Computing Authority were back for more BlackBerry talk along with two very special guests...

Mark Ruddock, CEO of Viigo, joined in the on the fun and tells us about Project Tango, Viigo's Entprise offering as well as a Special WES participants contest. Big thanks to Mark for taking the time out of is busy schedule.

And I literally ripped Minh Doan from Solution Showcase 30 seconds before we started recording so he could talk about Unify4Life's offering in more detail (you'll remember Minh from this video).

My Apologies for getting this up so late. We recorded at 1:45pm on Tuesday (this episode is about 26 minutes) but all the WES distractions yet again have me blogging at 2am. And just like yesterday we had one rule going into the Podcast - NO EDITING - so it's uncensored and raw. Big Thanks to BoxTone once again for setting us up with the recording space. I hope you enjoy the show!! 

Listen to Podcast: Episode 011

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