
If you’re out in the field closing important business deals or meeting with clients, it’s sometimes difficult to check in regularly with your team. Conflicting schedules and last minute meetings all contribute to lack of communication.

NeatCall mobile scheduler helps users fit in these tough to plan times. Whether it is an in-person meeting, a conference call, one-on-one call or even an IM conversation, NeatCall will help you quickly schedule. Synchronizing to your native Calendar and Address Book, you can choose who you want to meet with and produce up to three different times. Invites/requests are then sent to your specific contacts, where they can pick the time that works for them. NeatCall will compile the results and suggest the best time. Features of NeatCall include:

  • Scheduling all online and offline communications through one application.
  • Offering several time slots and automatically selecting the optimal one.
  • Unlimited events and unlimited number of invitees!
  • Multi messaging – you decide how to send invitations to your colleagues, by EMAIL, simple SMS, or WAP link.
  • Analyzing the responses content of all messaging formats.
  • Speed Mode Reply mechanism – picking optimal time slots in seconds.
  • Four different scheduling situations: “Full Match” if all users pick the same time slot, “Best Match” if one time slot is picked by most invitees, “Equal Match” if there are more than two equal time slots and “No Match” when there is no selected time slot so you can offer new time slots.

Now you can spend less time trying to plan the meeting and more time actually planning IN the meeting. The NeatCall BlackBerry app is free and is available from the CrackBerry App Store for both touch and non-touch screen BlackBerrys.

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